
Imagine a boundless digital canvas, sculpted into a three-dimensional realm where imagination reigns supreme. This isn't just an imageboard; it's a pulsating hive of user-generated content, where vibrant images dance alongside intricate 3D models. Woven throughout this tapestry are intricate connections, weaving paths between virtual locations, each brimming with real-time interaction and expression.

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So, is it a social platform, a creative canvas, or a portal to new realities?

The answer, like the world itself, is multifaceted. It's a kaleidoscope of possibilities, a testament to the boundless potential of human imagination, and an invitation to step into a world where the only limit is your own creativity.

3D Cyberspace

It's an immersive playground for storytelling, where users become architects of their own digital destinies.

Live Landscape

Whether crafting intricate landscapes or conjuring fantastical creatures, the possibilities are as limitless as the human mind itself.

Realtime Social Interaction

Within this vibrant tapestry, live chats crackle with energy, and avatars add a layer of magic.

Instant Updates

New content and alterations propagate to all users in mere seconds.

Built-in Imageboard

Every user-created object in the world comes with it's own thread on it's location's dedicated board.

Free, Fast, Fun

Works on most devices as a web site, and the platform is built to scale.

Do things that matter to you

Your space, Your friends, Your creations.

Live multimedia discussions crackle with energy, impromptu collaborations blossom, and shared experiences forge bonds that transcend the digital divide.

Modal video thumbnail, create image
Features & Formats

Create in virtual space

Multimedia uploads supported :

  • Images, GIFs
  • Videos, Youtube
  • Text, Hyperlinks
  • 3D Models: glTF glb, Playcanvas zip
Modal video thumbnail, avatars
Faster & Faster

Real time performance

Real time updates in world and in the directory gives you the ability to have an immersive experience with others.

  • Real time update creation / alteration / deletion of objects
  • Real time avatar movements for all viewers in a massive open world
  • Scalable architecture ensures good performance, tested with over 10,000 objects
Modal video thumbnail, directory
Massive & Organized

Free to use

Whether you wish to browse, contribute, or use your own space as an art gallery for your projects, the possibilities are endless

  • The cyber universe is made of square zones. Warp to any zone using the text field up top. Current zone is displayed down bottom
  • Zones are named in a lexical order of word length letter and numbers
  • The Cantor pairing is used to place them in a giant spiral. Use the live directory to find content


Project is now in beta testing. When resources have been allocated and functionality smoke-tested, users will be invited by way of existing imageboards. Last launch was in alpha status and saw about 100 users during that week. The storage system has been revamped mainly for 3D assets. There is one developer working on this site from 2017. You may reach him at [email protected].